• Tel: +91 8885090251
  • admin@lotuslappublicschools.com
  • Dilshuknagar, Boduppal

Activities & Programs

School Activities

The importance of building safe learning environments for our Students is something that cannot be overstated. While it’s true that every student learns a bit differently from the next, the environment itself plays a significant role in their development. Safe learning environments translate into comfortable learning environments.

Our Programs

• Lotus Lap Public School conducts various Social Awareness programmes like Health programme, Haritha Haram, Swach Bharat, Save Girl Child, Save Environment & power etc to inclucate the Awareness in the Society.
• Lotus Lap Public School Celebrates Thinkroom Day to bring out the Unique Potential in Every Child through projects.
• Lotus Lap Public School Celebrates Annual Day & Sports Day to form an integral part of our school activities.
• It is an occasion of celebration, felicitation, feast and festivity when students present not only their wonderful performances but also receive honours for their curricular and co-curricular achievements.
• Lotus Lap Public School encourages Educational Trips and Tours to gain Practical Knowledge about Themes.
• Guest Visit: We are pleased to Honour our Guests as we get an opportunity to develop our Organisation in all the Corners..
Creative Corner: This Corner gives Lotus Studenst platform to showcase their innovative zeal and enables us to appreciate for their Talents.

Our Activities

1. Keep a clean and orderly classroom.
2. Allow students to be openly expressive and encouraging to others.
3. Celebrate student work in different ways.
4. Create a list of guidelines that are “law” (ex: no name-calling, bullying, etc.).
5. Stay calm and in control always.
6. Practice useful failure and turn mistakes into learning opportunities.
7. Model kindness every chance you get.
8. Move around and interact with students, and create connection
9. Be patient and smile Feel free to laugh with your students.
10. Give kids choices on how they can do assignments
11. Peer Learning Programme to develop/ focus on Areas to be improved.
12. By Celebrating Achievements we foster an open environment filled with happiness and creativity.

“ If you want to think 1 year ahead, plant rice. If you want to think 10 years ahead, plant trees. But if you want to think 100 years ahead, give education to children.”